This vignette explains how you can host a problem set directly in the web using

You can create an app based on an .rps file or based on a problem set package hosted that is hosted on Github (see the corresponding vignette for how to create such a package)

1. Create an app based on an skeleton with

The RTutor package has a function that creates a skeleton of your app directory and a file deployapp.r which contains commands to deploy your app.

Here is an example fore creating an app based on an .rps file:

  # Create app based on .rps = "Example" # problem set name
  libs = c("foreign", "ggplot2") # list of all libraries used by ps
  # Folder that contains your .rps file
  rps.dir = "D:/libraries/RTutor/examples"
  # Folder in which app shall be created
  app.dir = "D:/libraries/RTutor/examples/ExampleApp","RTutorExample",
                  app.dir=app.dir, rps.dir = rps.dir,
         = TRUE, libs=libs,overwrite=TRUE)

You must just adapt the names and directories in the example above.

2. Open deployapp.r and follow the described steps

Now in your app directory, e.g. "D:/libraries/RTutor/examples/ExampleApp" a file deployapp.r is created. Follow the steps described in this file to deploy your app on The file also contains the links that describe how to create a user account on

Security issues

RTutor problem sets allow the user to run arbitrary code. So unless you have really figured out security issues, I would definitely not recommend hosting shinyapps on your own shinyserver. (I personally have not figured out these security issues.) Since RStudio allows to run arbitrary apps on, they probably have carefully sandboxed their app environment. Still, maliciously minded users may damage your app on e.g. by deleting data. So deploying an app on allows users to have a glimpse at your app, but it is not really useful as robust deployment, e.g. for use in a course. If you want to use RTutor in a course, users should locally install RTutor and the problem set (see the main vignette for deplyoment options).

Not recommended: create app based on an RTutor problemset package hosted on github

If you have created an github R package for your RTutor problem set, you could also create the app based on your package. However, uploading this app on may not work if your github package contains data sets that are too larg. Therefore:

I would recommend to create your app based on an .rps file.

Nevertheless, here is an example, how you could create an app based on an github based RTutor problemset package .

  # Create app based on a problem set package = "Example"
  app.dir = "D:/libraries/RTutor/examples/ExampleApp","RTutorExample",app.dir=app.dir, 
         = "RTutorExample", = FALSE,
                  github.user = "skranz", overwrite=TRUE)

skranz/RTutor3 documentation built on May 30, 2019, 2:01 a.m.